Legal Disclaimer

TradeAid, Inc. (WhaleStream) is not a registered investment advisor nor is licensed as such with any federal or state regulatory agency. WhaleStream does not manage client assets in any way. Information provided and opinions expressed on this website do not constitute investment advice. The ideas expressed on this site and related services are solely the opinions of WhaleStream and are for educational purposes only. We advise everyone to know the risks involved with trading stocks and options. We encourage every visitor to the website to do his/her own research and to consult with his/her own financial advisor(s) prior to engaging in any investing activities, and to make sure he/she knows all the potential risks involved. Any investment decision that results in losses or gains made based on any information on this site or related services is not the responsibility of WhaleStream. WhaleStream is solely a data-provider and not a stock picks alert service.

Your use of ideas, systems, and/or data provided by WhaleStream are at your own risk and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of the information.

1. Real-time Data - While it is impossible to guarantee real-time speed 100% of the time, the majority of incoming data during market hours may be delayed anywhere from 500ms up to 15s depending on a variety of factors (network connection, network load, data processing time). Every effort is made to get the data to you as quickly as possible. Any data that is manually uncovered but considered a valuable addition for our customers may be manually added at any time but will be time-stamped according to when the transaction took place and will be alerted in your dashboard.

2. Dark Pool Data - Due to the nature of dark pools, it is not possible to report transactions in real-time. WhaleStream will provide you the data as soon as the exchange reports the order or it is reported to FINRA's Alternative Display Facility (ADF) which may be a few hours later, the next day, or in some cases (when a dark pool transaction occurs on a Friday) it may not be reported until the next Monday. Please note that at the moment, equity block and print data is delayed up to 15 minutes due to exchange regulations. We are actively working on doing away with this delay. All data appearing under the Equity Block trades may not all be dark pool prints, but the data is equally as valuable due to the nature of how trading algorithms collect and act on this data. WhaleStream identifies and differentiates dark pool transactions and public exchange orders within the dashboard.


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